Splenectomy and Lymph Gland Surgery.

Dr Kollias has a long-standing experience with surgical conditions affecting the spleen and lymph glands (see diagram). He works closely with Adelaide Haematologists to provide a surgical service for removal of abnormal lymph glands in the neck, armpit, groin or abdomen. On the whole, the surgery is straightforward, usually performed in a day surgery unit under a brief general or “Twilight” anaesthetic.
Diseases of the spleen may sometimes require surgery for either diagnostic or treatment purposes. Dr Kollias has extensive experience in splenic surgery, particularly in the area of “keyhole” splenic surgery for conditions such as ITP (immune thrombocytopenic purpura). In other cases, the spleen is abnormally enlarged to a degree that open surgery is required. Surgical outcomes from this type of surgery are usually excellent.
Intravenous Access Port
A venous access port (Smartport/Infusaport) is a device consisting of a catheter and a small metallic chamber which can be inserted underneath the skin to help with chemotherapy or antibiotic treatment. This is particularly useful in cases where the peripheral arm veins are not adequate, or where the intravenous treatment is required on multiple occasions or for a long period of time. The decision to use an intravenous access port is usually made by the patient’s treating medical oncologist or physician.
Dr Kollias has been assisting patients by inserting their venous access ports since 1989. The procedure is simple, and may be performed in a Day Surgery Unit under a brief general anaesthetic or local anaesthesia and sedation. When treatment is complete, the ports can be easily removed under local anaesthesia.