Breast Reduction
Large or heavy breasts can cause significant health issues including neck, shoulder, back discomfort, pain and skin irritation. Heavy breasts can also lead to poor posture, trouble sleeping and can restrict daily activities. You may also feel self-conscious and have trouble in finding clothes/bras that fit your breast size and body. These factors can affect your self-perception, confidence and self-esteem.
There are different types of breast reduction surgeries. The most common form of breast reduction is illustrated in figure 1 whereby the lower half of the breast and breast skin are removed, lifting the attached nipple to its desired height and reconstituting the breast tissue, leaving an anchor-shaped scar. Dr Kollias will discuss the most suitable type of breast reduction procedure for you, in order to reduce the size of your breasts and to reshape your breasts to achieve your desired outcome. The procedure usually takes two hours to complete and 1-2 nights in hospital to recover. During your hospital stay, you will be fitted for a comfortable bra that will be worn for a three-month period.

Reduction FAQ’s
How much does breast reduction cost?
For privately insured patients, The costs of the theatre and hospital fees are covered. There will be out-of-pocket expenses for the surgical and anaesthetic fees but these are reasonable and slightly less than those recommended by the AMA. For uninsured patients, fees apply for the overnight stay at hospital, surgeon’s fee, anaesthetist’s fee and pathologist’s fee for inspection of the breast tissue. An itemised costing will be provided.
Are there any risks with surgery?
Unfortunately, all surgical procedures are associated with some risks. Dr Kollias takes every precaution to avoid any sort of complications. He will provide you with information to prepare you for the operation and to make sure that the final outcome is to your satisfaction and expectation. Complications can be avoided by adhering to the recommendations made prior to and immediately after surgery. If you do notice anything unusual, you should contact us immediately and if in the off chance there are complications.
Some possible complications and risks associated with breast reduction may include:
- Risks involved with any surgery such as bleeding or infection
- Changes in nipple sensitivity
- Temporary or permanent areas of numbness around the scars
- Fluid accumulation (which is called a seroma)
- Reduced capacity to breastfeed
- Keloid or hypertrophic scarring, especially if you have a history of poor scarring
Revision surgery is sometimes necessary to treat complications, or if the final cosmetic outcome is not optimal. Although this is uncommon, this may be associated with cost implications for women who do not have private medical insurance.
How long should I take off from work?
It will be necessary to take time off work for your recovery so that your body can begin the healing process. The time off work required will be 2-3 weeks, depending on the type of work you perform. You will be instructed about the do’s and don’ts of physical activity by Dr Kollias and his team.
Will breast reduction surgery affect future mammograms?
Although the breast tissue will be altered following breast reduction, an experienced breast radiologist should still be able to report on your mammogram films with confidence.
How long before I can return to normal sporting activities?
You should be able to resume vigorous exercise after six weeks. The use of good support bras and sports garments will be discussed.