Advanced Breast and Endocrine Surgery


Advanced Breast and Endocrine Surgery

Advanced Breast and Endocrine Surgery

Curriculum Vitae



Medical School

University of Adelaide Medical School 1980 – 1985

Degrees and Qualifications


Workshops Conducted

Workshops Attended





Present Appointment

Scientific Publications and Presentations

MD Thesis:

“Clinical, Biological and Molecular Genetic Aspects of Bilateral Breast Cancer.”
University of Nottingham, School of Medical and Surgical Sciences, October 2004.

Papers Published:
  1. Kollias J, Toouli J.
    Duodenal web and pancreas divisum causing pancreatitis in an adult.
    HPB Surgery, 1994 , Vol 7, p 231-235. DOI:
  2. Kollias J, Harries R, Otto G, Hamilton D G, Cox J S T, Gallery R M.
    “Laparoscopic versus open appendicectomy – a prospective study.”
    Aust. N.Z. J. Surg. 1994 , Vol 64 , p 830-835.
  3. Kollias J, Watson D, Coventry B J, Malycha P.
    Laparoscopic splenectomy for ITP using the lateral position – an improved technique.”
    Aust. N.Z. J Surg., 1995, 65, 746 – 748.
  4. Kollias J, Jeans P, Padbury R, Toouli J.
    “Gastric devascularisation and splenectomy for bleeding gastric varices”
    Aust. N.Z. J Surg 1995; 65: 804 – 807.
  5. Kollias J, Gallery R.
    “Left Scrotal abscess following laparoscopic appendicectomy – a case report”
    Aust. N.Z. J Surg 1996; 66: 568 – 569.
  6. Kollias J, Gallery R.
    “Left Scrotal abscess following laparoscopic appendicectomy – reply”
    Aust N Z J Surg 1998 ;68(7):152-3
  7. Kollias J, Sibbering DM, Blamey RW.
    “Topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for patients with diffuse chest wall pain in the mastalgia clinic.”
    Recent Developments in the Study of Benign Breast Disease – Proceedings of the 6th International Benign Breast Symposium 1995, Parthenon Publishing
  8. Kollias J, Gill PG, Beamond B, Rossi H, Langlois S, Vernon-Roberts E.
    “Clinical and radiological predictors of complete excision in breast-conserving surgery for primary breast cancer.”
    Aust N Z J Surgery 1998; 68(10):702-6.
  9. Kollias J, Gill PG, Leong AS, Clarkson AR.
    “Gynaecomastia presenting as fibroadenomatoid tumours of the breast in a renal  transplant recipient associated with cyclosporin treatment.”
    Aust N Z J Surgery 1998; 68(9):679-81.
  10. Lister D, Evans AJ, Burrell HC, Blamey RW, Wilson AR, Pinder SE, Ellis IO, Elston CW, Kollias J.
    “The accuracy of breast ultrasound in the evaluation of clinically benign discrete, symptomatic breast lumps.”
    Clinical Radiology 1998; 53(7):490-2.
  11. Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JF, Blamey RW.
    “Early-onset breast cancer–histopathological and prognostic considerations.”
    British Journal of Cancer 1997; 75(9):1318-23
  12. Toouli J.  Di Francesco V.  Saccone G.  Kollias J, Schloithe A. Shanks N.
    “Division of the sphincter of Oddi for treatment of dysfunction associated with recurrent pancreatitis.”
    B J Surg 1996; 83(9):1205-10.
  13. Litherland JC, Evans AJ,  Wilson AR, Kollias J, Pinder  SE, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Yeoman LJ.
    “The impact of core-biopsy on pre-operative diagnosis rate of screen detected breast cancers [see comments].”
    Clin Radiol 1996; 51(8):562-5.
    Comment in: Clin Radiol 1997 Jul;52(7):566-7
  14. Kollias J, PG Gill.
    “Superficial parotidectomy for parotid metastases from breast cancer.”
    The Breast 1997; 6: 108 – 109.
  15. Kollias J, RW Blamey, DG Evans, A Howell.
    “Family History Screening for women aged <50 years.” (Letter)
    The Breast 1997; 6: (2); 110
  16. Kollias J, DM Sibbering, PAM Holland, MJ Mitchell, Z Obuszko, J Litherland, ARM Wilson, AJ Evans, IO Ellis, CW Elston, JFR Robertson, RW Blamey.
    “Screening women aged <50 years with a family history of breast cancer.”
    Eur J Cancer 1998; 34(6): 878 – 883
  17. Kollias J, Vernon-Roberts E, Blamey RW, Elston CW.
    “A simple index to predict prognosis independent of axillary node information in breast cancer – Comment.”
    Aust N Z J Surgery 1998; 68: 865 – 866.
  18. Kollias J, Olver I.
    “Psychological morbidity and quality of life in Australian women with early-stage breast cancer – A cross sectional survey – Reply.”
    Med J Aust 1999; 170(5): 239-240.
  19. Kollias J, Murphy CA, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    “The prognosis of small primary breast cancers.”
    Eur J Cancer 1999; 35:908-912.
  20. Hall N, Evans AJ, Kollias J, Denley H, Pinder SE, Ellis IO, Blamey RW, Wilson ARM.
    “Bilateral breast carcinomas: do they have similar mammographic features.”
    Clinical Radiology 1999; 54: 434-437.
  21. Kollias J, Gill PG, Chatterton BA, Hall VE, Bochner MA, Coventry BJ, Farshid G.
    “The reliability of sentinel node status in predicting axillary lymph node involvement in breast cancer.” 
    Med J Aust 1999; 171(9): 461-465.
  22. Kollias J. Gill PG. Chatterton B. Raymond W. Collins PJ.
    “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer: recommendations for surgeons, pathologists, nuclear physicians and radiologists in Australia and New Zealand”
    Aust N Z J Surgery 2000; 70(2):132-6.
  23. Kollias J. Gill PG. Coventry BJ. Malycha P. Chatterton B. Farshid G.
     “Clinical and histological factors associated with sentinel node identification in breast cancer.”
    Aust N Z J Surgery 2000; 70(7):485-9.
  24. Kollias J, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Ellis IO, Elston CW, Blamey RW.
    “Value of contralateral surveillance mammography for primary breast cancer follow-up.”
    World J Surg 2000; 24: 983-989.
  25. Kollias J, Ellis IO, CW Elston, Blamey RW.
    “Clinical and histological predictors of bilateral breast cancer.”
    Eur J Surg Oncol 1999; 25: 584-589.
  26. Kollias J, Man S, Pinder SE, Ellis IO, Blamey RW, Brook JD.
    “Loss of heterozygosity in bilateral breast cancer.”
    Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2000; 64(3): 241-251.
  27. Kollias J, Malycha P, Jay M, Baron H.
    “Thyroid surgery and voice related outcomes – Comment”  
    Aust NZ J Surg. 2001; 71: 119.
  28. Farshid G, Pradhan M, Kollias J, Gill PG.
    “Computer simulations of lymph node metastasis for optimising the pathological examination of sentinel nodes in patients with breast cancer.”
    Cancer 2000; 89: 2527-2537.
  29. Kollias J.
    “Radiotherapy for DCIS?”
    Clinical Update (iSOURCE National Breast Cancer Centre) 2000;8:1-2.
  30. Kollias J, Bochner MA, Gill PG, Malycha P, Coventry BJ.
    “Quality assurance in a multidisciplinary symptomatic breast clinic.”
    ANZ J Surg 2001; 71: 271-273.
  31. Kollias J, Ellis IO, Elston CW, Blamey RW.
    “Prognostic significance of synchronous and metachronous bilateral breast cancer.”
    World J Surg 2001; 25: 1117-1124.
  32. Kollias J, Suthers G.
    “Breast  cancer risk assessment and genetic testing”
    The Cancer Genetics Newsletter, July 2001.
  33. Kollias J, Gill PG.
    “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer – the view from Australia and New Zealand.”
    The Breast 2001; 10: 285-286.
  34. Sutton R. Tsopelas C. Kollias J. Chatterton BE. Coventry BJ.
    “Sentinel node biopsy and lymphoscintigraphy with a technetium 99m labelled blue dye in a rabbit model.”
    Surgery. 2002; 131(1):44-9.
  35. Tsopelas C, Sutton R, Chatterton BE, Kollias J, Coventry BJ.
    “Behaviour of 99mTc-Evans Blue in the lymphatic system”
    ANZ Nuclear Medicine 2002;103: 103-107.
  36. Sutton R, Kollias J, Prasad, Chatterton B, PG Gill.
    “Same-day lymphoscintigraphy and sentinel node biopsy in early breast cancer.”
    ANZ J Surg 2002;72 ;542-546.
  37. Nano MT. Kollias J. Farshid G. Gill PG. Bochner M.
    “Clinical impact of false-negative sentinel node biopsy in primary breast cancer.”
    British Journal of Surgery. 89(11):1430-4, 2002 Nov.
  38. Kollias J, Sibbering DM, Blamey RW, Robertson JFR.
    “Effect of evening primrose oil on clinically diagnosed fibroadenomas.”
    The Breast 2000; 9: 35-36.
  39. Bochner MA. Farshid G. Dodd TJ. Kollias J. Gill PG.
    “Intraoperative imprint cytologic assessment of the sentinel node for early breast cancer.”
    World Journal of Surgery 2003; 27(4):430-2.
  40. Kollias J, Rainsbury R.
    “Surgical Trainees’ attitudes to specialisation in breast surgery.”
    ANZ J Surg 2003; 73(7): 489-492.
  41. Kennedy RJ, KolliasJ, Gill PG, Bochner M, Coventry BJ, Farshid G.
    “The removal of 2 sentinel nodes accurately stages the axilla in breast cancer.”
    Br J Surg 2003; 90:1349-53
  42. Felton T, Harris GC, Pinder SE, Snead DRJ, Carter GI, Bell JA, Haines J, Kollias J, Robertson  JFR, Elston CW, Ellis IO.
    “Identification of carcinoma cells in peripheral blood samples of patients with advanced breast carcinoma using RT-PCR amplification of CK7 and MUC1.”
    The Breast 2004; 13(1): 35-41
  43. Nano MT, Gill PG, Kollias J, Bochner MA.
    “Breast volume replacement using the latissimus dorsi miniflap.”
    ANZ J Surg 2004; 74(3): 98-104
  44. Bochner MA, Kollias J, Gill PG, Farshid G, Todd TJ.
    “Implications of intraoperative sentinel node imprint cytology for consent in the SNAC Trial.”
    ANZ J Surg 2004; 74(3): 105-107.
  45. Greutelaers B, Kullen K, Kollias J, Bochner M, Roberts A, Wittert G, Pasieka J, Malycha P.
    “Pasieka illness questionnaire: its value in primary hyperparathyroidism.”
    ANZ J Surg 2004; 74(3): 112-115.
  46. Kollias J, Pinder SE, Denley HE, Ellis IO, Wencyk P, Bell JA, Elston CW, Blamey RW.
    “Phenotypic similarities in bilateral breast cancer.”
    Breast Cancer Research & Treatment 2004; 85(3): 255-61.
  47. Farshid G Pradhan, Kollias J, Gill PG.
    “A decision aid for predicting non-sentinel node involvement in women with breast cancer and at least one positive sentinel node.”
    The Breast 2004; 13(6): 494-501.
  48. Wetzig NR, Gill PG, Ung O, Collins J, Kollias J, Gillett D, Gebski V, Greig C, Ray A, Stockler M for the RACS SNAC Group.
    “Participation in the RACS sentinel node biopsy versus axillary clearance trial.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2005; 75: 98-100.
  49. Nano MT, Gill PG, Kollias J, Bochner MA, Carter N, Winefield HR.
    “Qualitative assessment of breast reconstruction in a specialist breast unit.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2005; 75(6):445-53
  50. Boult M, Cuncins-Hearn A, Tyson S, Kollias J, Babidge W, Maddern G.
    “National Breast cancer Audit: Establishing a Web-based data system.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2005; 75(6): 844-847.
  51. Nano MT, Gill PG, Kollias J, Bochner MA, Malycha P, Winefield HR.
    “Psychological impact and cosmetic outcome of surgical breast cancer strategies.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2005; 75(11): 940-947
  52. Cuncins-Hearn A, Boult M, Babidge W, Zorbas H, Villanueva E, Evans, A, Oliver D+, Kollias J, Reeves T, Maddern G.
    “The National Breast Cancer Audit: An Overview of Current Invasive Breast Cancer Management.”
    ANZ J Journal of Surgery 2006; 76: 745-750.
  53. Tsopelas C, Bevington E, Kollias J, Shibli S, Farshid G, Coventry B, Chatterton BE.
    “99mTc-Evans blue dye for mapping contiguous lymph node sequences and discriminating the sentinel lymph node in an ovine model.”
    Annals of Surgical Oncology 2006; 13(5): 692-700.
  54. Green M, Farshid G, Kollias J, Chatterton BE, Tsopelas C.
    The tissue distribution of Evans blue dye in a sheep model of sentinel node biopsy.”
    Nuclear Medicine Communications 2006;  27(9): 695-700.
  55. Borg M, Yeoh E, Bochner M, Butters J, Van Doorn T, Farshid G, Kollias J, Kotasek D, Gill G, Lim A, Olver I, Parnis F, Rush G.
    “Feasibility study on the MammoSite in early-stage breast cancer: Initial experience.”
    Australasian Radiology  2007; 51(1): 53-61.
  56. Cuncins-Hearn A, Boult M, Babidge W, Zorbas H, Villanueva E, Evans, A, Oliver D, Kollias J, Reeves T, Maddern G.
    “The National Breast Cancer Audit: DCIS Management in Australia and New Zealand.”
    ANZ J Surg 2007; 77: 64-68.
  57. Benson JR, Querci della Rovere G, and the Axilla Management Consensus Group*
    Cserni G, Kuehn T, Greco M, Gennaro M, Cody II H, Cady I B, Morrow M, Kollias J, Purushotham A,  Macmillan D,  Makris A.
    “Management of the axilla in women with breast cancer”
    Lancet Oncol 2007; 8: 331–48.
  58. Prasannan S, Davies G, Bochner M, Kollias J, Malycha P.
    “Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy using surgeon-performed ultrasound and sestamibi.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2007; 77(9):774-7.
  59. Kollias J.
    “The management of BRCA-associated breast cancer.”
    The Cancer Council SA Cancer Genetics Gazette 2007; Nov (4): 1-3
  60. Kollias J, Davies G, Bochner MA, Gill PG.
    “Clinical impact of oncoplastic surgery in a specialist breast practice.”
    ANZ J Surg 2008; 78: 269-272.
  61. Marsh CJ, Boult M, Wang JX, Maddern GJ, Roder DM, Kollias J.
    “National Breast Cancer Audit: The use of multidisciplinary care teams by breast surgeons in Australia and New Zealand.”
    Medical Journal of Australia 2008; 188(7); 385-388.
  62. Wang J, Boult M, Roder D, Babidge W, Kollias J, Maddern G.
    “How surgical audits can be used to promote the uptake of surgical evidence.”
    ANZ J Surg 2008; 78(6): 437-438
  63. Kollias J, Boult M.
    “The National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons – Surgical News 2008; 9(3): 6
  64. Tewari N , Gill PG, Bochner MA, Kollias J.
    “Comparison of volume displacement versus circumferential arm measurements for lymphoedema – implications for the SNAC trial.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2008; 78: 889-893.
  65. Smith M J, Gill PG, Wetzig N, Sourjina T, Gebski V, Ung O, Campbell I, Kollias J, Coskinas X, Macphee A, Young L, Simes RJ, Stockler MR and The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons SNAC Trial Group.
    “Comparing patients’ and clinicians’ assessment of outcomes in a randomised trial of sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer (the RACS SNAC trial)”.
    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2009; 117:99–109.
  66. Wang J. Boult M. Tyson S. Babidge W. Zorbas H. Kollias J. Roder D. Maddern G.
    “Trends in surgical treatment of younger patients with breast cancer in Australia and New Zealand.” 
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2008; 78(8):665-9.
  67. Tsopelas C, Bellon M, Bevington E, Kollias J, Shibli S, Chatterton BE.
    Lymphatic mapping with 99mTc-Evans Blue dye in sheep.
    Annals of Nuclear Medicine 2008; 22(9):777-85.
  68. Kollias J.
    “Chemoprevention and Breast cancer – Current Status.”
    In Practice, Cancer Council of SA, March 2009
    The Cancer Council SA Cancer Genetics Gazette 2009 May (7); 2-3.
  69. Leonello DC, Aspinall S, Kollias J.
    “Laparoscopic spleen extraction–a simple technique.”
    Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2009)
    Volume: 91, Issue: 5, Pages: 435
  70. Wang J, Kollias J, Marsh C, Maddern G.
    “Are males with early breast cancer treated differently from females with early breast cancer in Australia and New Zealand?”
    The Breast 2009; 18 (6): 378-381.
  71. Kollias J.
    “The National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Surgical News, The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 2010; 11(1): 18.
  72. Musgrave KJ, Bochner M, Kollias J.
    ‘Surgical decision-making in immediate breast reconstruction.”
    World J Surg. 2010; 34(12):3029-35.
  73. Roder D, Wang JX, Zorbas H, Kollias J, Maddern G.
    “Survival of breast cancers managed by surgeons participating in the National Breast Cancer Audit of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2010; 80(11): 776 – 780.
  74. Wang J,  Kollias J, Boult M, Babidge W, Zorbas H, Roder D, Maddern G.
    “Patterns of surgical treatment for women with breast cancer in relation to age.”
    Breast Journal 2010; 16(1):60-5.
  75. Marsh C, Wang J, Kollias J, Boult M, Rice J, Maddern G.
    “Disparities in access to breast care nurses for breast surgeons: a National Breast Cancer Audit survey.”
    Breast 2010; 19(2):142-6.
  76. Green M, Aspinall S, Kollias J.
    “Safety and efficacy of contra-lateral breast reduction for women with mammary hypertrophy undergoing mastectomy for breast cancer.”
    Breast 2009; 18(5):276-8.
  77. Walters D, Kollias J.
    “The National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Surgical News, The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 2011; 12(4): 22.
  78. Kollias J, Russell WJ.
    “Anaphylaxis to patent blue – the benefit and the risk.”
    Anaesth Intensive Care 2011; 39(4): 758 – 760.
  79. Kollias J.
    “BREASTSURGANZ and the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Association of Breast Surgery (UK)
    Yearbook 2012; 78 – 79.
  80. Whitfield R, Kollias J, De Silva P, Zorbas H, Maddern G.
    Use of Transtuzumab in Australia and New Zealand: results from the National Breast Cancer Audit.
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2012; 82: 234 – 239.
  81. OOi C, Campbell ID, Kollias J, Pyke CM, Ogilvie M.
    ‘National Breast Cancer Audit: Overview of invasive breast cancer in New Zealand.’
    NZ Medical Journal 2012; Vol 125 No 1359: 1 – 10.
  82. Roder DM, de Silva P, Zorbas H, Kollias J, Malycha P, Pyke C, Campbell I, Webster F.
    “Survival from synchronous bilateral breast cancer: The experience of surgeons participating in the breast Audit of the Society of Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand.”
    Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2012; 13, 1413-1418.
  83. Roder DM, de Silva P, Zorbas HN, Webster F, Kollias J, Pyke CM, Campbell ID.
    “Adherence to recommended treatments for early invasive breast cancer: Decisions of women attending surgeons in the Breast Cancer Audit of Australia and New Zealand.”
    Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2012; 13, 1675-1682.
  84. Morris T,Wetzig N, Sinclair S, Kollias J and Zorbas J.
    “Evaluation of implementation of sentinel node biopsy in Australia.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2012; 82(7-8): 541-547.
  85. Roder D, de Silva P, Zorbas HM, Kollias J, Malycha PL, Pyke CM, Campbell ID.
    “Survival from breast cancer: an analysis of Australian data by surgeon case load, treatment centre location, and health insurance status.”
    Aust Health review 2012; 36(3):342-8.
  86. Whitfield R, Kollias J, De Silva P, Turner J, Maddern G.
    “Management of DCIS according to the Van Nuys Prognostic Index in Australia and New Zealand.”
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2012; 82(7-8):518-23.
  87. Ogilvie M, Kollias J.
    “Operating principles for running a Clinical Quality Registry: are they feasible?’
    ANZ Journal of Surgery 2012; 82 (11): 832 – 837.
  88. Roder D M, de Silva P, Zorbas HM, Kollias J, Malycha PL, Pyke CM, Campbell ID.
    “Age effects on survival from early breast cancer in clinical settings in Australia.”
    ANZ J Surg 2012; 82(7-8):524-8.
  89. Roder D, Zorbas H, Kollias J, Pyke C, Walters D, Campbell I, Taylor C, Webster F.
    “Factors Predictive of Treatment by Australian BreastSurgeons of Invasive Female Breast Cancer by Mastectomy rather than Breast Conserving Surgery.”
    Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2013; 14 (1): 539-545.
  90. Roder D, Zorbas H, Kollias J, Pyke C, Walters D, Campbell I, Taylor C, Webster F.
    “Risk Factors for Poorer Breast Cancer Outcomes in Residents of Remote Areas of Australia.”
    Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2013; 14 (1), 547-552.
  91. Suetani RJ, Ho K, Jindal S, Manavis J, Neilsen PM, Pishas KI, Rippy E, Bochner M, Kollias J, Gill PG, Morris HA, Callen DF.
    “A comparison of vitamin D activity in paired non-malignant and malignant human breast tissues.”
    Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2012 Oct 15;362(1-2):202-10.
  92. Ainsworth RK, Kollias J, LeBlanc A, DeSilva P.
    “The Clinical Impact of the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z-001 Trial – Results from the BreastSurgANZ National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Breast. 2013 ; 22(5):733-735.
  93. Regan MM, Price KN, Giobbie-Hurder A, Thürlimann B, Gelber RD; International Breast Cancer Study Group and BIG 1-98 Collaborative Group*.
    “Interpreting Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98: a randomized, double-blind, phase III trial comparing letrozole and tamoxifen as adjuvant endocrine therapy for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive, early breast cancer.”
    Breast Cancer Res. 2011 May 26;13(3):209
  94. BIG 1-98 Collaborative Group, Mouridsen H, Giobbie-Hurder A, Goldhirsch A, Thürlimann B, Paridaens R, Smith I, Mauriac L, Forbes J, Price KN, Regan MM, Gelber RD, Coates AS. Collaborators (900)*
    “Letrozole therapy alone or in sequence with tamoxifen in women with breast cancer.”
    N Engl J Med. 2009 Aug 20; 361(8):766-76
  95. Regan MM, Neven P, Giobbie-Hurder A, Goldhirsch A, Ejlertsen B, Mauriac L, Forbes JF, Smith I, Láng I, Wardley A, Rabaglio M, Price KN, Gelber RD, Coates AS, Thürlimann B; BIG 1-98 Collaborative Group; International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG). Collaborators (885)*
    “Assessment of Letrozole and Tamoxifen alone and in sequence for postmenopausal women with steroid hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: the BIG 1-98 randomised clinical trial at 8·1 years median follow-up.”
    Lancet Oncol. 2011 Nov;12(12):1101-8.
  96. Chirgwin J, Sun Z, Smith I, Price KN, Thürlimann B, Ejlertsen B, Bonnefoi H, Regan MM, Goldhirsch A, Coates AS; BIG 1-98 Collaborative and International Breast Cancer Study Groups. Collaborators (885)*
    “The advantage of Letrozole over Tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial is consistent in younger postmenopausal women and in those with chemotherapy-induced menopause.”
    Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Jan;131(1):295-306.
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    “Homologous recombination DNA repair defects in PALB2-associated breast cancers.”
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    “Publisher Correction: Homologous recombination DNA repair defects in PALB2-associated breast cancers (npj Breast Cancer, (2019), 5, 1, (23), 10.1038/s41523-019-0115-9).”
    npj Breast Cancer. 5(1) (no pagination), 2019. Article Number: 44. Date of Publication: 01 Dec 2019.
  130. Joo J.E., Dowty J.G., Milne R.L., Wong E.M., Dugue P.-A., English D., Hopper J.L., Goldgar D.E., Giles G.G., Southey M.C., Sexton A., Christian A., Trainer A., Spigelman A., Fellows A., Shelling A., De Fazio A., Blackburn A., Crook A., Meiser B., Patterson B., Clarke C., Saunders C., Hunt C., Scott C., Amor D., Marsh D., Edkins E., Salisbury E., Haan E., Neidermayr E., Macrae F., Farshid G., Lindeman G., Chenevix-Trench G., Mann G., Gill G., Thorne H., Campbell I., Hickie I., Winship I., Goldblatt J., Flanagan J., Kollias J., Visvader J., Stone J., Taylor J., Burke J., Saunus J., Forbes J., Beesley J., Kirk J., French J., Tucker K., Wu K., Phillips K., Lipton L., Andrews L., Lobb E., Walker L., Kentwell M., Spurdle A., Cummings M., Gleeson M., Harris M., Jenkins M., Young M.A., Delatycki M., Wallis M., Burgess M., Price M., Brown M., Bogwitz M., Field M., Friedlander M., Gattas M., Saleh M., Hayward N., Pachter N., Cohen P., Duijf P., James P., Simpson P., Fong P., Butow P., Williams R., Kefford R., Scott R., Balleine R., Dawson S.-J., Lok S., O’Connell S., Greening S., Nightingale S., Edwards S., Fox S., McLachlan S.-A., Lakhani S., Thomas S., Antill Y.
    “Heritable DNA methylation marks associated with susceptibility to breast cancer /631/67/69 /631/337/176/1988 /692/699/67/1347 /692/308/2056 /45 /45/61 article.”
    Nature Communications. 9(1) (no pagination), 2018. Article Number: 867. Date of Publication: 01 Dec 2018.
  131. Pelttari L.M., Khan S., Vuorela M., Kiiski J.I., Vilske S., Nevanlinna V., Ranta S., Schleutker J., Winqvist R., Kallioniemi A., Dork T., Bogdanova N.V., Figueroa J., Pharoah P.D.P., Schmidt M.K., Dunning A.M., Garcia-Closas M., Bolla M.K., Dennis J., Michailidou K., Wang Q., Hopper J.L., Southey M.C., Rosenberg E.H., Fasching P.A., Beckmann M.W., Peto J., Dos-Santos-silva I., Sawyer E.J., Tomlinson I., Burwinkel B., Surowy H., Guenel P., Truong T., Bojesen S.E., Nordestgaard B.G., Benitez J., Gonzalez-Neira A., Neuhausen S.L., Anton-Culver H., Brenner H., Arndt V., Meindl A., Schmutzler R.K., Brauch H., Bruning T., Lindblom A., Margolin S., Mannermaa A., Hartikainen J.M., Chenevix-Trench G., Van Dyck L., Janssen H., Chang-Claude J., Rudolph A., Radice P., Peterlongo P., Hallberg E., Olson J.E., Giles G.G., Milne R.L., Haiman C.A., Schumacher F., Simard J., Dumont M., Kristensen V., Borresen-Dale A.-L., Zheng W., Beeghly-Fadiel A., Grip M., Andrulis I.L., Glendon G., Devilee P., Seynaeve C., Hooning M.J., Collee M., Cox A., Cross S.S., Shah M., Luben R.N., Hamann U., Torres D., Jakubowska A., Lubinski J., Couch F.J., Yannoukakos D., Orr N., Swerdlow A., Darabi H., Li J., Czene K., Hall P., Easton D.F., Mattson J., Blomqvist C., Aittomaki K., Nevanlinna H., Aghmesheh M., Amor D., Andrews L., Antill Y., Armitage S., Arnold L., Balleine R., Bankier A., Bastick P., Beesley J., Beilby J., Bennett B., Bennett I., Berry G., Blackburn A., Bogwitz M., Brennan M., Brown M., Buckley M., Burgess M., Burke J., Butow P., Byron K., Callen D., Campbell I., Chauhan D., Christian A., Clarke C., Colley A., Cotton D., Crook A., Cui J., Culling B., Cummings M., Dawson S.-J., DeFazio A., Delatycki M., Dickson R., Dixon J., Dobrovic A., Dudding T., Edkins T., Edwards S., Eisenbruch M., Farshid G., Fawcett S., Fellows A., Fenton G., Field M., Firgaira F., Flanagan J., Fleming J., Fong P., Forbes J., Fox S., French J., Friedlander M., Gaff C., Gardner M., Gattas M., George P., Gill G., Goldblatt J., Greening S., Grist S., Haan E., Hardie K., Harris M., Hart S., Hayward N., Healey S., Heiniger L., Humphrey E., Hunt C., James P., Jenkins M., Jones A., Kefford R., Kidd A., Kiely B., Kirk J., Koehler J., Kollias J., Kovalenko S., Lakhani S., Leaming A., Leary J., Lim J., Lindeman G., Lipton L., Lobb L., Mann G., Marsh D., McLachlan S.A., Meiser B., Meldrum C., Mitchell G., Newman B., Nightingale S., O’Connell S., O’Loughlin I., Osborne R., Pachter N., Patterson B., Peters L., Phillips K., Price M., Purser L., Reeve T., Reeve J., Richards R., Rickard E., Robinson B., Rudzki B., Saleh M., Salisbury E., Sambrook J., Saunders C., Saunus J., Sayer R., Scott E., Scott R., Scott C., Seshadri R., Sexton A., Sharma R., Shelling A., Simpson P., Spurdle A., Suthers G., Sykes P., Taylor D., Taylor J., Thierry B., Thompson E., Thorne H., Townshend S., Trainer A., Tran L., Tucker K., Tyler J., Visvader J., Walker L., Walpole I., Ward R., Waring P., Warner B., Warren G., Williams R., Wilson J., Winship I., Wu K., Young M.A., Stuart-Harris R., Kirsten F., Rutovitz J., Clingan P., Glasgow A., Proietto A., Braye S., Otton G., Shannon J., Bonaventura T., Stewart J., Begbie S., Bell D., Baron-Hay S., Ferrier A., Gard G., Nevell D., Pavlakis N., Valmadre S., Young B., Camaris C., Crouch R., Edwards L., Hacker N., Marsden D., Robertson G., Beale P., Beith J., Carter J., Dalrymple C., Houghton R., Russell P., Anderson L., Links M., Grygiel J., Hill J., Brand A., Byth K., Jaworski R., Harnett P., Wain G., Purdie D., Whiteman D., Ward B.,Papadimos D., Crandon A., Horwood K., Obermair A., Perrin L., Wyld D., Nicklin J., Davy S.A.-M., Oehler M.K., Hall C., Dodd T., Healy T., Pittman K., Henderson D., Miller J., Pierdes J., Achan A., Blomfield P., Challis D., McIntosh R., Parker A., Brown B., Rome R., Allen D., Grant P., Hyde S., Laurie R., Robbie M., Healy D., Jobling T., Manolitsas T., McNealage J., Rogers P., Susil B., Sumithran E., Simpson I., Haviv I., Rischin D., Johnson D., Lade S., Loughrey M., O’Callaghan N., Murray B., Mileshkin L., Allan P., Billson V., Pyman J., Neesham D., Quinn M., Hamilton A., McNally O., Underhill C., Bell R., Ng L.F., Blum R., Ganju V., Hammond I., Leung Y., McCartney A., Stewart C., Zeps N.
    “RAD51B in familial breast cancer.”
    PLoS ONE. 11(5) (no pagination), 2016. Article Number: e0153788. Date of Publication: 2016.
  132. Finlay B., Kollias V., Hall K.A., Clement Z., Bingham J., Whitfield R., Kollias J., Bochner M.
    “Long-term outcomes of breast reconstruction and the need for revision surgery.”
    ANZ journal of surgery. 91(9) (pp 1751-1758), 2021. Date of Publication: 01 Sep 2021.
  133. Victoria Kollias, James Kollias.
    “Safety and efficacy of anterior intercostal artery perforator flaps in oncoplastic breast reconstruction.”
    ANZ journal of surgery. 2022. First published: 27 January 2022
Papers Accepted for Publication:
Book Chapters:
Scientific Papers – Oral Presentations:
  1. “Management of early breast cancer at Q. E . H .”
    Kollias J, Humeniuk V.
    Annual Scientific Meeting, RACS ( SA branch ), Adelaide, Sept. 1989.
  2. “Laparoscopic Appendicectomy – or is it Lap- Appy ?”
    Kollias J, Harries R, Otto G, Hamilton D, Gallery R, Cox J S T.
    Annual Scientific Meeting, RACS ( SA branch ), Adelaide, August 1992.
  3. “Laparoscopic versus open appendicectomy – a prospective study”
    Kollias J, Harries R, Otto G, Hamilton D, Gallery R, Cox J S T.
    Annual Scientific Congress RACS, Adelaide, May 1994.
  4. “Stage breast cancer at the R.A.H.”
    Kollias J, Olver I, Yeoh E, Gill P G.
    COSA Meeting, Adelaide, Nov. 1994.
  5. “Topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for patients with diffuse chest wall pain in the mastalgia clinic.”
    Kollias J, Sibbering DM, Blamey RW.
    6th International Symposium on Benign Breast Disease, London, UK, 20 / 7 / 1995.
  6. “Laparoscopic splenectomy – easier in the lateral position.”
    Kollias J, Watson D, Coventry BJ, Malycha P.
    Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture and Surgical Symposium
    University College Galway, Ireland, 15-16 Sept. 1995.
    (Also published in abstract form in Irish Journal of Medical Science Vol 164 Supplement 16, 1995) 
  7. “Survival in lymph node positive breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Morgan DAL, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture and Surgical Symposium
    University College Galway, Ireland, 15-16 Sept. 1995.
    (Also published in abstract form in Irish Journal of Medical Science Vol 164 Supplement 16, 1995
  8. “Survival in breast cancer patients aged <35 years.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture and Surgical Symposium
    University College Galway, Ireland, 15-16 Sept. 1995.
    (Also published in abstract form in Irish Journal of Medical Science Vol 164 Supplement 16, 1995)
  9. “Survival in lymph node positive breast cancer patients according to histological grade – possible evidence of cure.”
    Kollias J, Morgan DAL, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    4th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, 19-21 Sept. 1995
    (Also published in abstract form in The Breast Vol 4 Num.3 Sept. 1995)
  10. “Survival in breast cancer patients aged <35 years – the Nottingham Experience.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    4th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, 19-21 Sept. 1995.
    (Also published in abstract form in The Breast Vol 4 Num.3 Sept. 1995)
  11. “Prevalent screen results from a family history breast cancer clinic.”
    Kollias J, Sibbering DM, Holland PAM, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Elston CW, Ellis IO,  Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    51st Scientific Meeting, British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO), Royal College of Surgeons, London, 23/11/1995.
    (Also published in abstract form in Eur J Surg Oncol 1995; 21(6): 697.)
  12. “Core biopsy improves preoperative diagnosis of screen detected breast cancers.”
    Kollias J, Litherland JC, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Pinder S, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Blamey RW.
    51st Scientific Meeting, British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO), Royal College of Surgeons, London, 23/11/1995. 
    (Also published in abstract form in Eur J Surg Oncol 1995; 21(6): 699.)
  13. “Results for screening women at higher risk of breast cancer less than 50 years”
    Kollias J, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Blamey RW.
    BASO Breast Group Study Day Meeting, Solihull, West Midlands, 24 April, 1996.
  14. “Results of screening for women aged <50 with a family history of breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Blamey RW, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Ellis IO, Elston CW.
    52nd Scientific Meeting, British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO), Wadham College, Oxford 11/12 july, 1996.
     (Also published in abstract form in Eur J Surg Oncol 1996; 22(5): 551.)
  15. “The prognostic importance of tumour grade in lymph node positive breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JF, Blamey RW.
    7th EORTC Breast Cancer Working Conference, Bordeux, France, Sept 10-13, 1996.
     (Also published in abstract form in Eur J Cancer 1996; 32(a) suppl 2:39.)
  16. “Prognostic features of early-onset breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JF, Blamey RW.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, Australia, May 1997.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ J Surg 1997: 67 (suppl 1): pA4)
  17. Core Biopsy improves preoperative diagnosis od screen detected breast cancers.”
    Kollias J, Litherland AJ, Evams AJ, Wilson ARM, Pinder SE, Elston CW, Ellis IOE, Blamey RW.
    Breast Screen Australia at 5 years, First National Breast Screening Conference, Canberra, 21-23 August 1997.
  18. “The results of breast screening for women aged <50 with a family history of breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Sibbering DM, Holland PAM, Litherland AJ, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Pinder SE, Elston CW, Ellis IOE, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    Breast Screen Australia at 5 years, First National Breast Screening Conference, Canberra, 21-23 August 1997.
  19. “Preoperative doppler imaging in TRAM flap breast reconstruction.”
    W Lyon, J Kollias, PG Gill, S Le p Langlois.
    RACS Annual Scientific Meeting (SA Branch), Adelaide, 5th Sept 1997.
  20. “Loss of heterozygosity in premenopausal bilateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Man S, Ellis IO, Blamey RW, Brook JD.
    5th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept 1997.
    (Also published in abstract form in The Breast 1997; 6(4): 231.)
    The Surgical Research Society of Australasia, Annual Scientific Meeting, Leura, Australia, August 14-15, 1998.
  21. “The incidence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in women with bilateral or early-onset (under 35 years) breast cancer.”
    Marafie M, Kollias J, Carpenter KM, Sharif AL, Blamey RW, Cross GS.
    5th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept 1997.
    (Also published in abstract form in The Breast 1997; 6(4): 231.)
  22. “An update on breast screening for women aged <50: results from a family history clinic.”
    Kollias J, McMillan RD, Holland PAM, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Pinder SE, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    5th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept 1997.
    (Also published in abstract form in The Breast 1997; 6(4): 236.)
  23. “The value of contralateral breast screening in primary breast cancer follow-up.”
    Kollias J, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    5th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept 1997.
    (Also published in abstract form in The Breast 1997; 6(4): 242.)
  24. “Clinical and histological predictors of metachronous contralateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Pinder SE, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    The Surgical Research Society of Australasia, Annual Scientific Meeting.
    Leura, Australia, August 14-15, 1998.
  25. “The management of “At-Risk” women.”
    Kollias J.
    COSA 24th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart, 26 – 28 November 1997.
  26. “The accuracy of  sentinel node biopsy in patients with breast cancer.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J, Hall V, Chatterton B, Vernon-Roberts E.
    RACS Annual Scietific Congress, Sydney, Australia, May 1998.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ J Surg 1998: 68 (suppl 1): pA35)
    Australasian Society for Breast Disease – Inaugural Meeting. Gold Coast, September 1997.
  27. “Clinical concerns regarding the management of women at risk of breast cancer.”
    Kollias J.
    KConFab Conference: Recent Advances in Breast Cancer, Melbourne 9th July, 1997.
  28. “Update on sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer – the Adelaide experience.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Bochner M, Chatterton B.
    12th Biennial Congress of the Asian Surgical Association, Brisbane, 7-10 March 1999.
  29. “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer – International studies update.”
    “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer – Technique and results of the Adelaide group.”
    Kollias J.
    Breast Biopsy ’99 Conference, Sydney, 9-11 April 1999.
  30. “Skin sparing mastectomy.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Auckland, May 1999.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69(suppl): A1.)
  31. Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer: Recommendations for surgeons, pathologists, nuclear physicians and radiologists in Australia and New Zealand.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J, Chatterton B.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Auckland, May 1999.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69(suppl): A9
  32. “Objective assessment of voice changes after thyroid and parathyroid surgery.”
    Bochner M, Kollias J, Malycha P, Beattie J, Krishnan S.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Auckland, May 1999.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69(suppl): A34.)
  33. “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Chatterton B, Farshid G.
    International Surgical Society Conference, Vienna, Austria, August 15-19, 1999.
  34. “Clinical and Histological predictors of bilateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Ellis IO, CW Elston, Blamey RW.
    International Surgical Society Conference, Vienna, Austria, August 15-19, 1999.
  35. “Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in a breast cancer family history clinic.”
    Iau PTC, Marafie M, MsMillan D, Wenzyck P, Kollias J, Cross G, Scott N, Blamey RW.
    6th Nottingham International Breast cancer conference, Nottingham UK, 22-24 Sept 1999.
    (also published in abstract form in “The Breast” 1999; 8(4): 218-219.)
  36. “Evolution of breast surgery on a specialist unit: five year audit.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J, Carter ML, Malycha P, Coventry BJ.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Melbourne, May 2000.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70(suppl): A29.)
  37. “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer – Australian trials.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Melbourne, May 2000.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70(suppl): A31.)
  38. “Extending breast conservation using the latissimus dorsi miniflap in breast cancer.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Melbourne, May 2000.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70(suppl): A34.)
  39. “The prognostic significance of bilateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Ellis IO, Elston CW, Blamey RW.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Melbourne, May 2000.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70(suppl): A35.)
  40. “Surgical Prophylaxis in Familial Breast Cancer.”
    Kollias J.
    COSA 200 Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, November-December 2000.
  41. “Failure to identify sentinel nodes at operation for screen detected breast cancers.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Malycha P, Bochner MA,  Coventry BJ, Farshid G, Chatterton B.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Canberra, May 2001.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2001; 71(suppl): A11.)
  42. “The clinical significance of internal mammary sentinel nodes in primary breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Chatterton B, Bochner MA, Malycha P, Coventry BJ, Farshid G.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Canberra, May 2001
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2001; 71(suppl): A12.)
  43. “Management of DCIS in Australia”
    “Management of the axilla in early breast cancer – Sentinel Node Biopsy”
    ”The impact of early detection of breast cancer in surgical management”
    “Surgery for early breast cancer – Special types”
    Kollias J.
    Tabar Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Course, Hamilton Island, November 2001.
  44. “Breast conservation by volume reduction surgery.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Adelaide, May 2002.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A4.)
  45. “Breast volume replacement: Latissimus Dorsi Miniflaps.”
    Gill PG, Nano MT, Kollias J, Bochner M.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Adelaide, May 2002.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A4.)
  46. “The clinical impact of false negative sentinel node biopsy in primary breast cancer.”
    Nano MT, Kollias J, Farshid G.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Adelaide, May 2002.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A9.)
  47. “Prophylactic mastectomy – indications, workup and performance.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Brisbane, May 2003.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2003; 73 (suppl): A1.)
  48. “A qualitative assessment of breast reconstruction in a specialist unit.”
    Nano MT, Gill PG, Kollias J, Bochner M, Carter N, Roder D, Winefield H.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Brisbane, May 2003.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2003; 73 (suppl): A7.)
  49. “Sentinel node biopsy – What is the rest of the world doing now? Can we make the next study take off?”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Melbourne, May 2004.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2004; 74 (suppl): A23.)
  50. “Sentinel Node Biopsy – Technique.”
    Kollias J.
    Leura V International Breast cancer Conference, Sydney, November 2004.
  51. “Lymphatic Mapping – Technique.”
    Kollias J.
    41st World Congress of Surgery of ISS/ISC, Durban South Africa, August 2005.
  52. “Breast Surgery International Lunchtime Session – Pathology: What do we need?”
    Kollias J.
    41st World Congress of Surgery of ISS/ISC, Durban South Africa, August 2005.
  53. “Clinical aspects of managing familial breast cancer.”
    Kollias J.
    5th Annual Symposium, Human Genetics Association of South Australia, November, 2005.
  54. “RACS National Breast Audit update.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2005.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A29.)
  55. “Axillary management and sentinel node biopsy for invasive breast cancer: Data from the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2005.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A29.)
  56. “Current management of DCIS: Data from the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2005.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A29.)
  57. “Sentinel node biopsy and stage migration: fact or fiction?”
    Ischia J, Green M, Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2005.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A30.)
  58. “RACS National Breast Cancer Audit update.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Sydney, May 2006.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2006; 76 (suppl): A2.)
  59. “Royal Adelaide Hospital Oncoplastic Audit update.”
    Kollias J, Bochner MA, Gill PG.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Sydney, May 2006.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2006; 76 (suppl): A5.)
  60. “Sentinel node biopsy; Imprint technology: Techniques and clinical relevance.”
    Kollias J.
    Australian Conference on Surgical Oncology & SA Branch RACS Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, 4th – 5th August 2006.
  61. “ Facilitating national consistency in breast cancer data collection.”
    Roder D, Kollias J, Gillett D, Pyke C, Care O, Zorbas H.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Sydney, May 2006.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2007 – Vol. (suppl): A5.)
  62. “Oncoplastic surgery and radiation oncology: Case scenarios and tidbits.”
    Kollias J, Rainsbury R, Joseph D.
    Sixth Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Breast disease.
    Gold Coast, 27-29 September 2007.
  63. “The clinical impact of oncoplastic and reconstructive procedures in a specialist breast practice.”
    Kollias J, Martin R, Bochner MA Gill PG.
    SA Branch RACS Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, 9th – 10th Sept 2007.
  64. “Current Pathology and Cytology Issues in Sentinel Node Biopsy for Early Breast Cancer – A Surgeon’s Perspective.”
    Kollias J.
    37th Annual Meeting of Australian Society of Cytology, Adelaide, 24-27th October 2007.
  65. “Multidisciplinary care – what are the medico-legal implications?”
    Kollias J and panel.
    COSA Adelaide 16th November 2007.
  66. “The National Breast cancer Audit – who needs it?”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Hong Kong, May 2008.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2008 – Vol 78. (suppl): A5.)
  67. “Pattern of surgical treatment for women with breast cancer, does age make a      difference?”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Hong Kong, May 2008.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2008 – Vol 78 (suppl): A6.)
  68. “Breast surgeons in multidisciplinary teams: public versus private setting.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Hong Kong, May 2008.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2008 – Vol 78 (suppl): A7.)
  69. ‘Skin-sparing mastectomy and breast reconstruction.”
    Kollias J.
    Australasian Society for Breast Diseases Surgical Workshop, Sydney, June 2008-10-30.
  70. “Breast Reconstruction – The oncoplastic perspective.”
    Kollias J.
    Leura VI International Breast Cancer Conference, Sydney, Sept 2008.
  71. “Interventional Breast and Thyroid Ultrasound”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Brisbane, May 5th, 2009.
  72. “Unorthodox management of breast cancer – nipple preservation mastectomy and redo lumpectomy.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Brisbane, May 5th, 2009.
  73. “Mammary hypertrophy and breast conservation.”
    Kollias J.
    International Surgical Week, 43rd Congress of the International Surgical Society, 6-10 Sept 2009, Adelaide, Australia,
  74. “Post-mastectomy breast reconstruction II”
    Kollias J.
    International Surgical Week, 43rd Congress of the International Surgical Society, 6-10 Sept 2009, Adelaide, Australia.
  75. “Oncoplastic Techniques: Breast reduction and mastopexy.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 4th, 2010.
  76. “Management patterns of DCIS according to the Van Nuys Prognostic Index – results from the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J, Bingham J, Desilva P, Marsh C, Turner J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 4th, 2010.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2010 – Vol 80 (suppl): A10.)
  77. “Breast reconstruction options.”
    Kollias J, Campbell I, Ashton M.
    Trainees Weekend, COSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 07/11/2010.
  78. “BreastSurg ANZ”
    Kollias J, Pyke C, Spillane A.
    COSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 08/11/2010.
  79. “Surgical Management of “high-risk” women with a newly diagnosed breast cancer.”
    Kollias J.
    COSA  Annual Scientific meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 08/11/2010.
  80. “Surgical decision-making in immediate breast reconstruction.”
    Musgrave K, Kollias J, Gill PG, Bochner M.
    COSA  Annual Scientific meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 10/11/2010.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide, May 2011.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A12)
  81. “Post-mastectomy radiotherapy for high-risk invasive breast cancer – Results from the BreastSurgANZ National Breast cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J, De silva P, Economides K, Whitfield R.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide May 2011.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A13)
  82. “Safety and efficacy of therapeutic mammaplasty for early breast cancer.”
    Kinnear N, Kollias J, Bochner M, Rippy E, Wong W.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide May 2011.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A16)
  83. European Journal of Surgical Oncology Lecture
    “Breast cancer in Australia and New Zealand.”
    Kollias J.
    Association of Breast Surgeons (UK) Annual Conference and AGM, Manchester UK, May 2011.
  84. “BreastSurgANZ National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J.
    Association of Breast Surgeons (UK) Annual Conference and AGM, Manchester UK, May 2011.
  85. “The provision of follow-up for women with early breast cancer – What women want.”
    Beumer J, Madigan L, Kollias J, Bochner M, Gill PG.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide May 2011.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A16)
  86. “Evaluation of office ultrasound usage among Australasian breast surgeons.”
    Law M, Kollias J, Bennett I.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide May 2011.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A16)
  87. “Oncoplastic Breast Surgery – Introduction and Getting Started.”
    Kollias J.
    8th Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Breast Diseases, Melbourne, 6-8/10/2011.
  88. “Management of the Contralateral Breast and Nipple/Areola Reconstruction.”
    Kollias J.
    8th Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Breast Diseases, Melbourne, 6-8/10/2011.
  89. “Adherence to Recommended Treatments for Early Invasive Breast Cancer: Decisions of Women Attending Surgeons in the Breast Cancer Audit of Australia and New Zealand.”
    Kollias J, Roder DM, de Silva P, Zorbas HN, Webster F, , Pyke CM, Campbell ID.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Kuala Lumpur, May 2012.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2012 – Vol 82 (suppl 1): 16)
  90. “The clinical impact of the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z-0011 trial – Results from the BreastSurgANZ National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J, Ainsworth RK, LeBlanc A, DeSilva P.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Kuala Lumpur, May 2012.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2012 – Vol 82 (suppl 1): 24)
  91. “Sentinel Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer – A Surgeon’s Perspective.”
    Kollias J.
    ANZ Society of Nuclear Medicine, Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, 25/04/2014
  92. “Factors predictive of immediate breast reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer in Australia Circa 1998-2010.”
    Kollias J, Roder D, Zorbas H, Walters D, Campbell I, Taylor C.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Singapore, May 2014-05-08.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2014 – Vol 84 (suppl 1): 8)
  93. “Factors predictive of treatment by Australian surgeons of invasive female breast carcinoma by mastectomy rather than breast conserving surgery.”
    Pyke C, Kollias J, Roder D, Zorbas H, Taylor C. Walters D.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Singapore, May 2014-05-08.
    (Also published in abstract form Aust NZ Surg May 2014 – Vol 84 (suppl 1): 8)
  94. “The safety and efficacy of the sequence of treatments for locally advanced breast cancer patients undergoing mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction.”
    Egbeare D, Cohen L, Kollias J, Whitfield R, Bochner M, Gill PG.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Singapore, May 2014.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2014; 84(suppl 1): 143)
  95. “The applied anatomy of the latissimus dorsi muscle flap.”
    Kollias J.
    ASBD/BreastSurg ANZ Cadaver workshop (in conjunction with Australian Breast cancer congress), Brisbane, 09/10/2014.
  96. “Multidisciplinary team and presentation of cases.”
    Kollias J.
    Australian Breast Cancer Congress, Gold Coast, 11/10/2014.
  97. “Local Perforator Flaps in Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction.”
    Kollias J.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Perth, May 2015.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ SurgMay 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 5)
  98. Predicted risk of malignancy in thyroid nodules: 5-year experience in Adelaide.”
    Virginia Lambert, Chloe George, Robert Whitfield, Melissa Bochner, JamesKollias and Peter Malycha.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Perth, May 2015.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ SurgMay 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 42)
  99. “How I Do It – Video Presentation – Anterior Intercostal Artery Flap Partial Breast Reconstruction.”
    Kollias J.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, May 2016.
  100. “Beyond the Hospital Stay Targeting patient support via mobile technology to reduce risk, save time and improve care.”
    Saunders A, Kollias J, Saman K.
    Health Informatics Conference, 25 – 27 July 2016 – Melbourne, Australia.
  101. “Reduce Risk, Save Time & Improve Care with Mobile Technology.”
    Kollias J and Saman K.
    RACS SA, WA, & NT Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, 26-27 August, 2016.
  102. “Thoracodorasl artery perforator flap breast reconstruction.”
    Kollias J.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide, May 10 2017.
  103. “Using Personify Care to reduce risk, save time & improve care with mobile technology.”
    Kollias J and Saman K.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide, May 10 2017.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ SurgMay 2017 – Vol 87 (suppl1): 7-8)
  104. “Development of a Core Set of Clinical Indicators to Measure Quality of Care for Thyroid Cancer: A Modified-Delphi Approach”
    Ioannou LJ Serpell J, Bendinelli C, Walters D, Gough J, Lisewski D, Meyer-Rochow W, Miller J, Topliss D, Fleming B, Farrell S, Kiu A, Kollias J, Sywak M, Aniss A, Fenton L, Ghusn D, Harper S, Popadich A, Stringer K, Watters D, & & Ahern S.
    88th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association (ATA), Washington DC, October 2018.
  105. “How I do it: Avoidance of breast deformities in breast conserving surgery.”
    Kollias J.
    GSA Provincial Surgeons’ Association 2021 Virtual ASC, BEGA NSW 5-7 August 2021.
  106. “How to get started in oncoplastic surgery.”
    Kollias J.
    GSA Provincial Surgeons’ Association 2021 Virtual ASC, BEGA NSW 5-7 August 2021
Scientific Papers – Poster Presentations:
  1. “Improved survival using adjuvant systemic therapy in breast cancer patients.”
    Kollias J, Morgan DAL, Pinder S, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    4th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, 19-21 Sept. 1995.
  2. “Mammographic screening for women aged <50 with a family history of breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Blamey RW, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Ellis IO, Elston CW.
    7th EORTC Breast Cancer Working Conference, Bordeux, France, Sept 10-13 1996.
    (Also published in abstract form in Eur J Cancer 1996; 32(a) suppl2 :33.)
  3. “Preoperative doppler imaging in TRAM flap breast reconstruction.”
    Kollias J, Lyon W, Gill PG, Langlois S Le Page.
    ACS Annual Scietific Congress, Sydney, Australia, May 1998.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ J Surg 1998: 68 (suppl 1): pA38)
  4. “Clinical and histological predictors of metachronous contralateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Pinder SE, Teh W, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    5th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept 1997.
  5. “Results of an expectant policy in the management of single-duct nipple discharge.”
    Kollias J, Pinder SE, Teh W, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    5th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept 1997.
  6. “Identification of carcinoma cells in peripheral blood of patients with advanced breast cancer using RT-PCR amplification of Cytokeratin 7 and MUC 1.”
    Felton T, Snead DRJ, Carter I, Haines A, Kollias J, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    5th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept 1997.
  7. “The mammographic appearances of cancer detected in the Nottingham Family History Screening Clinic.”
    Teh W, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Kollias J, Blamey RW, Elston CW, Ellis IO.
    5th Nottingham International Breast Cancer Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept 1997.
  8. “Prognostic characteristics of metachronous contralateral breast cancer according to method of detection.”
    Kollias J, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Blamey RW.
    RACS Annual Scientific Congress, Sydney, Australia, May 1998.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ J Surg 1998: 68 (suppl 1): pA37)
  9. ”Results of an “expectant” policy in the management of single-duct nipple discharge.”
    Kollias, J Pinder S, Teh W, Evans AJ, Wilson RW, Ellis IO, Elston CW, Blamey RW.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Auckland, May 1999.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69(suppl): A6.)
  10. “Audit of new presentations to a multi-disciplinary breast assessment clinic.”
    Kollias J, Bochner M, Gill PG, Malycha P, Coventry B.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Auckland, May 1999.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69(suppl): A8.)
  11. “The accuracy of sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Bochner M, Chatterton B, Farshid G.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Auckland, May 1999.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69(suppl): A9.)
  12. “Objective assessment of voice changes after thyroid and parathyroid surgery.”
    Bochner M, Kollias J, Malycha P, Baron H, Beattie J, Smith H, Carney S, Jay M,  Krishnan S.
    International Surgical Society Conference, Vienna, Austria, August 15-19, 1999.
  13. “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J, Chatterton B, Farshid G.
    6th Nottingham International Breast cancer conference, Nottingham UK, 22-24 Sept 1999.
  14. “Clinical and histological predictors of  sentinel node identification in breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Chatterton B, Farshid G.
    6th Nottingham International Breast cancer conference, Nottingham UK, 22-24, Sept 1999.
  15. “Clinical and histological factors associated with sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Coventry BJ, Malycha P, Chatterton B, Farshid G.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Melbourne, May 2000.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70(suppl): A35.)
  16. “The implication of intraoperative sentinel node imprint cytology for consent in the SNAC trial”
    Bochner MA, Kollias J, Gill PG, Farshid G, Todd TJ.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A11.)
  17. “Radiation exposure to staff during lymphatic tracing and sentinel node biopsy surgery.”
    Coventry BJ, Collins P, Kollias J, Bochner M, Rodgers N, Gill PG, Chatterton B.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A12.)
  18. “Vocal Cord function before and after thyroid and parathyroid surgery.”
    Malycha P, Foreman, Kollias J, Bochner M.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A32.)
  19. “The impact of reconstructive and oncoplastic surgery in a specialist breast practice.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Bochner MA.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Brisbane, May 2003.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2003; 73 (suppl): A10.)
  20. “The National Breast Cancer Audit: A selected comparison of outcomes with published overseas data.”
    Kollias J, Malycha P, Cuncins-Hearn A, Tyson S, Babidge W, Maddern G.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Brisbane, May 2003.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2004; 74 (suppl): A24.)
  21. “Efficacy of immediate contralatertal reduction mammaplasty in mastectomy patients with mammary hypertrophy.”
    Kollias J, Bochner MA, Gill PG.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Brisbane, May 2003.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2004; 74 (suppl): A25.)
  22. “Participation in the SNAC Trail does not influence the extent of axillary dissection.”
    Green MHA, Kollias J, Bochner M, Gill PG.
    Leura V International Breast Cancer Conference, Sydney, Australia, Nov 2004-12-02.
  23. “A web-based system of clinical audit for early breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Babidge W, Boult M, Cuncins-Hearn A, Tyson S, Maddern G.
    Leura V International Breast Cancer Conference, Sydney, Australia, Nov 2004-12-02.
  24. “The National Breast cancer Audit: A comparison of outcomes with published overseas data.
    Kollias J, Malycha P, Cuncins-Hearn A, Tyson S, Babidge W, Maddern G.
    Leura V International Breast Cancer Conference, Sydney, Australia, Nov 2004-12-02
  25. “Arm symptoms, function and body image before and after axillary clearance for  early breast cancer: measuring and validating quality of life in a randomised trial of sentinel node biopsy versus   axillary clearance.”
    Nowak AK, Hargreaves C, Gill, G, Wetzig N, Ung O, Campbell I, Kollias J, Young L, McPhee A, Gebski V, Stockler M.
    10th International Breast cancer Conference, San Antonio, Texas USA, December 2004.
  26. “Feasibility study on the mammosite in early breast cancer.”
    Borg M, Bochner M, Butters J, Davies C, Van Doorn T, Farshid G, Iasiello J, Kollias J, Kotasek D, Gill G, Lim A, Nguyen K, Olver I, Rush G, Whitford, Yeoh E.
    RANZCR ASM, Sydney Oct 2005.
  27. “Improved splenic extraction with laparoscopic splenectomy.”
    Kollias J. Leonello D.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2005.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A63.)
  28. “The tissue distribution of 99mTc-Evans Blue dye in a sheep model of sentinel node biopsy”
    Green M, Farshid G, Kollias J, Barry E Chatterton B E, Tsopelas C.
    Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Edinburgh, May 2006.
  29. “Sentinel lymph node biopsy in invasive breast cancer using 99mTc-Evans Blue dye”
    Davies G, Kollias J, Tsopelas C, Chatterton B E.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Sydney, May 2006.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2006; 76 (suppl): A8.)
  30. “Effect of the WHI study on hormone replacement therapy use and cancer incidence in Australia.”
    Wen D, Bochner MA, Roder D, Kollias J.
    Leura VI International Breast Cancer Conference, Sydney, Sept 2008.
  31. “Safety and efficacy of contralateral reduction mammaplasty in mastectomy patients with mammary hypertrophy.”
    Aspinall S, Green M, Kollias J.
    International Surgical Week, 43rd Congress of the International Surgical Society, 6-10 Sept 2009, Adelaide, Australia.
    (Also published in abstract form in World J Surg 2009;33: S246-247 (supply).
  32. “National Breast cancer Audit – Clinical Quality Registries project.”
    Babidge W, Kollias J, Marsh C, Ogilvie M.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2010.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2010; 80 (suppl): A11.)
  33. “The use of Transtuzumab in Australia and New Zealand – Results from the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Whitfield R, Kollias J, Desilva P, Marsh C, Ogilvie M.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2010.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2010; 80 (suppl): A12.)
  34. “A study of predictors of survival from breast cancers managed by Australian surgeons participating in the National Breast Cancer Audit of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)”
    Roder D, De Silva P, Kollias J, Maycha P, Pyke CM, Campbell ID, Webster F, Sinclair S, Zorbas HM.
    COSA  Annual Scientific meeting, Brisbane, Australia November 2011.
  35. “Surgical attitudes to specialisation in breast surgery – 9 years on.”
    Ainsworth R, Kollias J, Pyke C.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Kuala Lumpur, May 2012.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2012; 82(suppl 1): 23.)
  36. “Review of the Royal Adelaide Hospital High Risk Management Clinic: A one stop multidisciplinary follow-up clinic for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.”
    Chai HL, Kollias J, Bochner M, Oehler M, Davy, Rush G.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Kuala Lumpur, May 2012.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2012; 82(suppl 1): 23.)
  37. “Direct to implant” breast reconstruction using the Allergan SERI surgical scaffold – an initial Australian experience.”
    Kollias J, French J, Elder E, Martin R.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Singapore, May 2014.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2014; 84(suppl 1): 10)
  38. “Local perforator flaps in oncoplastic breast reconstruction – an early Australian experience.”
    Kollias J.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Singapore, May 2014.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2014; 84(suppl 1): 11)
  39. “Sentinel lymph node biopsy should not be performed for screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ undergoing breast conserving surgery.”
    Vaska A, Kollias J, Taylor C.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Singapore, May 2014.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg 2014; 84(suppl 1): 17)
  40. Predicted risk of malignancy in thyroid nodules: 5 year experience in Adelaide.
    Lambert V, George C, Whitfield R, Bochner M, Kollias J, Malycha P.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2015.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg May 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 42.)
  41. The relevance of axillary ultrasound for the pre-operative staging of the clinically node negative axilla in patients undergoing breast conserving surgery – implications according to ACOSOG Z-0011 based management.
    Preda, T, Fawcett A, George C, Kollias J, Gill PG, Bochner B.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2015.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg May 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 11.)
  42. “Breast cancer characteristics and survival differences between Maori, Pacific and other New Zealand women from the BreastSurgANZ Quality Audit.”
    Campbell IC, Scott N, Seneviratne S, Kollias J, Walters D, Taylor C, Roder D.  
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Perth, May 2015.
    (Also published in abstract form in Aust NZ Surg May 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 72.)
  43. “Safety and efficacy of anterior intercostal artery perforator flaps in oncoplastic breast reconstruction.”
    James Kollias and Victoria Kollias.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Brisbane, May 2016.
    (Also published in in abstract form in ANZ J. Surg. 2016; 86 (Suppl 1); 13)
  44. “Safety and efficacy of thoraco-dorsal artery perforator flaps in oncoplastic breast reconstruction.”
    James Kollias and Victoria Kollias.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Adelaide, May 2017.
    (Also published in in abstract form in ANZ J. Surg. 2017; 87 (Suppl 1); 13)
  45. “Evaluation of high risk screening outcomes and breast cancer survival in patients with a BRCA mutation.”
    Emily Humphries, Melissa Bochner, James Kollias, Janne Bingham, Robert Whitfield and Ben Finlay.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Bangkok, May 2019.
    (Also published in in abstract form in ANZ J. Surg. 2019; 89 (S1); 13)
  46. “Long-term outcomes of autologous and implant- based breast reconstruction performed by oncoplastic breast surgeons: an Adelaide experience.”
    Ben Finlay, Zackariah Clement, James Kollias, Janne Bingham, Robert Whitfield and Melissa Bochner.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Bangkok, May 2019.
    (Also published in in abstract form in ANZ J. Surg. 2019; 89 (S1); 13)
  47. “The safety and efficacy of immediate autologous breast reconstruction after mastectomy in patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer.”
    Zackariah Clement, Donna Egbeare, James Kollias, Grantley Gill, Robert Whitfield, Janne Bingham and Melissa Bochner.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Bangkok, May 2019.
    (Also published in in abstract form in ANZ J. Surg. 2019; 89 (S1); 15)
  48. “Development of a consensus set of clinical quality indicators for the early management of thyroid cancer: a modified-Delphi approach.”
    Liane Ioannou, Jonathan Dr Cino Bendinelli, David Walters, Jenny Gough, Dean Lisewski, Win Meyer-Rochow, Julie Miller, Duncan Topliss, Bill Fleming, Stephen Farrell, Andrew Kiu, James Kollias, Mark Sywak, Ahmad Aniss, Linda Fenton, Danielle Ghusn, Simon Harper, Aleksandra Popadich, Kate Stringer and David Watter.
    Annual Scientific Congress, RACS, Bangkok, May 2019.
    (Also published in in abstract form in ANZ J. Surg. 2019; 89 (S1), 55
    And Thyroid. Conference: 88th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association. United States. 28 (Supplement 1) (pp A82), 2018. Date of Publication: October 2018.)
Published Abstracts:
  1. “Laparoscopic splenectomy – easier in the lateral position.”
    Kollias J, Watson D, Coventry BJ, Malycha P.
    Irish Journal of Medical Science Vol 164 Supplement 16, 1995.
  2. “Survival in lymph node positive breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Morgan DAL, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    Irish Journal of Medical Science Vol 164 Supplement 16, 1995.
  3. “Survival in breast cancer patients aged <35 years.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    Irish Journal of Medical Science Vol 164 Supplement 16, 1995.
  4. “Survival in lymph node positive breast cancer patients according to histological grade – possible  evidence of cure..”
    Kollias J, Morgan DAL, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    The Breast Vol 4 Num.3 Sept. 1995.
  5. “Survival in breast cancer patients aged <35 years – the Nottingham Experience.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    The Breast Vol 4 Num.3 Sept. 1995.
  6. Prevalent screen results from a family history breast cancer clinic.”
    Kollias J, Sibbering DM, Holland PAM, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    Eur J Surg Oncol 1995; 21(6): 697.
  7. “Core biopsy improves preoperative diagnosis of screen detected breast cancers.”
    Kollias J, Litherland JC, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Pinder S, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Blamey RW.
    Eur J Surg Oncol 1995; 21(6): 699.
  8. “Results of screening for women aged <50 with a family history of breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Blamey RW, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Ellis IO, Elston CW.
    Eur J Surg Oncol 1996; 22(5): 551.
  9. “The prognostic importance of tumour grade in lymph node positive breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JF, Blamey RW.
    Eur J Cancer 1996; 32(a)suppl2 :39.
  10. “Prognostic features of early-onset breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JF, Blamey RW.
    Aust NZ J Surg 1997: 67 (suppl 1): pA4
  11. “Loss of heterozygosity in premenopausal bilateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Man S, Ellis IO, Blamey RW, Brook JD.
    The Breast 1997; 6(4): 231.
  12. “The incidence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in women with bilateral or early-onset (under 35 years) breast cancer.”
    The Breast 1997; 6(4): 231.
  13. “An update on breast screening for women aged <50: results from a family history clinic.”
    Kollias J, McMillan RD, Holland PAM, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Pinder SE, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    The Breast 1997; 6(4): 236.
  14. “The value of contralateral breast screening in primary breast cancer follow-up.”
    Kollias J,  Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    The Breast 1997; 6(4): 242.
  15. “The accuracy of  sentinel node biopsy in patients with breast cancer.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J, Hall V, Chatterton B, Vernon-Roberts E.
    Aust NZ J Surg 1998: 68 (suppl 1): pA35.
  16. “Skin sparing mastectomy.”
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69 (suppl): A1.
  17. “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer: Recommendatiuons for surgeons, pathologists, nuclear physicians and radiologists in Australia and New Zealand.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J, Chatterton B.
    Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69(suppl): A9.
  18. “Objective assessment of voice changes after thyroid and parathyroid surgery.”
    Bochner M, Kollias J, Malycha P, Beattie J, Krishnan S.
    Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69 (suppl): A34.
  19. “Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in a breast cancer family history clinic.”
    Iau PTC, Marafie M, MsMillan D, Wenzyck P, Kollias J, Cross G, Scott N, Blamey RW.
    “The Breast” 1999; 8(4): 218-219.
  20. “A mathematical model for optimizing the pathological examination of sentinel nodes in breast cancer.”
    Farshid G, Pradham M, Kollias J, Gill PG.
    “The Breast” 1999; 8(4):.
  21. “ Mammographic screeing for women aged <50 with a family history of breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Blamey RW, Wilson ARM, Evans AJ, Ellis IO, Elston CW.
    Eur J Cancer 1996; 32(a) suppl 2 :33.
  22. “Preoperative doppler imaging in TRAM flap breast reconstruction.”
    Kollias J, Lyon W, Gill PG, Langlois S Le page.
    Aust NZ J Surg 1998: 68 (suppl 1): pA38.
  23. “Clinical and histological predictors of metachronous contralateral breast cancer”
    Kollias J, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Pinder SE, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    The Breast 1997; 6(4): 231.
  24. “Prognostic characteristics of metachronous contralateral breast cancer according to method of detection.”
    Kollias J, Evans AJ, Wilson ARM, Elston CW, Ellis IO, Blamey RW.
    Aust NZ J Surg 1998: 68 (suppl 1): pA37.
  25. “Results of an “expectant” policy in the management of single-duct nipple discharge.”
    Kollias J, Pinder S, Teh W, Evans AJ, Wilson RW, Ellis IO, Elston CW, Blamey RW.
    Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69 (suppl): A6.
  26. “Audit of new presentations to a multi-disciplinary breast assessment clinic.”
    Kollias J, Bochner M, Gill PG, Malycha P, Coventry B.
    Aust NZ Surg 1999; 69 (suppl): A8.
  27. “Evolution of breast surgery on a specialist unit: five year audit.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J, Carter ML, Malycha P, Coventry BJ.
    Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70 (suppl): A29.
  28. “Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer – Australian trials.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG.
    Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70 (suppl): A31.
  29. “Extending breast conservation suing the latissimus dorsi miniflap in breast cancer.”
    Gill PG, Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70 (suppl): A34.
  30. “The prognostic significance of bilateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Ellis IO, Elston CW, Blamey RW.
    Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70 (suppl): A35.
  31. “Clinical and histological factors associated with sentinel node biopsy in    breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Coventry BJ, Malycha P, Chatterton B, Farshid G.
    Aust NZ Surg 2000; 70 (suppl): A35.
  32. “Failure to identify sentinel nodes at operation for screen detected breast cancers.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Malycha P, Bochner MA, Coventry BJ, Farshid G, Chatterton B.
    Aust NZ Surg 2001; 71 (suppl): A11.
  33. “The clinical significance of internal mammary sentinel nodes in primary breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Chatterton B, Bochner MA, Malycha P, Coventry BJ, Farshid G.
    Aust NZ Surg 2001; 71(suppl): A12.
  34. “Clinical and histological predictors of metachronous contralateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Ellis IO, Elston CW, Pinder SE, Robertson JFR, Blamey RW.
    Aust NZ Surg 2001; 7: A127.
  35. “Loss of heterozygosity in bilateral breast cancer.”
    Kollias J, Man S, Ellis IO, Blamey RW, Brook JD.
    Aust NZ Surg 2001; 7: A127.
  36. “The frequency of voice changes after thyroid and parathyroid surgery.”
    Kollias J, Bochner MA, Malycha P, Baron H, Smith H, Beattie J, Burnet H, Carney S, Krishnan, Jay M.
    Asian J Surg 2001; 24 (1); S21.
  37. “Breast volume replacement: Latissimus Dorsi Miniflaps.”
    Gill PG, Nano MT, Kollias J, Bochner M.
    Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A4.
  38. “Breast conservation by volume reduction surgery.”
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A4.
  39. “The clinical impact of false negative sentinel node biopsy in primary breast cancer.”
    Nano MT, Kollias J, Farshid G.
    Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A9.
  40. “The implication of intraoperative sentinel node imprint cytology for consent in the SNAC trial”
    Bochner MA, Kollias J, Gill PG, Farshid G, Todd TJ.
    Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A11.
  41. “Radiation exposure to staff during lymphatic tracing and sentinel node biopsy surgery.”
    Coventry BJ, Collins P, Kollias J, Bochner M, Rodgers N, Gill PG, Chatterton B.
    Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A12.
  42. “Vocal Cord function before and after thyroid and parathyroid surgery.”
    Malycha P, Foreman, Kollias J, Bochner M.
    Aust NZ Surg 2002; 72 (suppl): A32.
  43. “The impact of reconstructive and oncoplastic surgery in a specialist breast practice.”
    Kollias J, Gill PG, Bochner MA.
    Aust NZ Surg 2003; 32 (suppl): A10.
  44. “The national breast cancer audit: a selected comparison of outcomes with published overseas data.”
    Kollias J, Malycha P, Cuncins-Hearn A, Tyson S, Babidge W, Maddern G.
    Aust NZ Surg 2004; 74 (suppl): A24.
  45. “Efficacy of immediate contralateral reduction mammaplasty in mastectomy patients with mammary hypertrophy.”
    Kollias J, Bochner MA, Gill PG.
    Aust NZ Surg 2004; 74 (suppl): A25.
  46. “Sentinel node biopsy – What is the rest of the world doing now? Can we make the next study take off?”
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2004; 74 (suppl): A23.
  47. “Improved splenic extraction with laparoscopic splenectomy.”
    Kollias J. Leonello D.
    Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A63.
  48. “RACS National Breast Audit update.”
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A29.
  49. “Axillary management and sentinel node biopsy for invasive breast cancer: Data from the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A29.
  50. “Current management of DCIS: Data from the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A29.
  51. “Sentinel node biopsy and stage migration: fact or fiction?”
    Ischia J, Green M, Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2005; 75 (suppl): A30.
  52. “RACS National Breast Cancer Audit update”
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2006; 76 (suppl): A2.
  53. “Royal Adelaide Hospital Oncoplastic Audit update.”
    Kollias J, Bochner MA, Gill PG.
    Aust NZ Surg 2006; 65 (suppl): A3
  54. “Sentinel lymph node biopsy in invasive breast cancer using 99mTc-Evans Blue dye”.
    Davies G, Kollias J, Tsopelas C, Chatterton B E.
    Aust NZ Surg 2006; 76 (suppl): A8.
  55. “Royal Adelaide Hospital Oncoplastic Audit update.”
    Kollias J, Bochner MA, Gill PG.
    Aust NZ Surg 2006; 76 (suppl): A5.
  56. Roder D, Kollias J, Gillett D, Pyke C, Care O, Zorbas H.
    “Facilitating national consistency in breast cancer data collection.”
    Aust NZ Surg May 2007 – Vol. (suppl): A5.
  57. “Safety and efficacy of contralateral reduction mammaplasty in mastectomy patients with mammary hypertrophy.”
    Aspinall S, Green M, Kollias J.
    World J Surg 2009;33: S246-247 (suppl).
  58. “National Breast cancer Audit – Clinical Quality Registries project.”
    Babidge W, Kollias J, Marsh C, Ogilvie M.
    Aust NZ Surg 2010; 80 (suppl): A11.
  59. “Management patterns of DCIS according to the Van Nuys Prognostic Index – results from the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J, Bingham J, Desilva P, Marsh C, Turner J.
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2010 – Vol 80 (suppl): A10.
  60. “The use of Transtuzumab in Australia and New Zealand – Results from the National Breast Cancer Audit.”
    Whitfield R, Kollias J, Desilva P, Marsh C, Ogilvie M.
    Aust NZ Surg 2010; 80 (suppl): A12.
  61. “The provision of follow-up for women with early breast cancer – What women want.”
    Beumer J, Madigan L, Kollias J, Bochner M, Gill PG.
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A16.
  62. “Evaluation of office ultrasound usage among Australasian breast surgeons.”
    Law M, Kollias J, Bennett I.
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A16).
  63. “Surgical decision-making in immediate breast reconstruction.”
    Musgrave K, Kollias J, Gill PG, Bochner M.
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A12.
  64. “Post-mastectomy radiotherapy for high-risk invasive breast cancer – Results from the BreastSurgANZ National Breast cancer Audit.”
    Kollias J, De silva P, Economides K, Whitfield R.
    Aust NZ Surg May 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A13.
  65. “Safety and efficacy of therapeutic mammaplasty for early breast cancer.”
    Kinnear N, Kollias J, Bochner M, Rippy E, Wong W.
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2011 – Vol 81 (suppl): A16.
  66. “Surgical attitudes to specialisation in breast surgery – 9 years on.”
    Ainsworth R, Kollias J, Pyke C.
    Aust NZ Surg 2012; 82(suppl 1): 23.
  67. “Review of the Royal Adelaide Hospital High Risk Management Clinic: A one stop multidisciplinary follow-up clinic for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.”
    Chai HL, Kollias J, Bochner M, Oehler M, Davy, Rush G.
    Aust NZ Surg 2012; 82(suppl 1): 23.
  68. “Direct to implant” breast reconstruction using the Allergan SERI surgical scaffold – an initial Australian experience.”
    Kollias J, French J, Elder E, Martin R.
    Aust NZ Surg 2014; 84(suppl 1): 10.
  69. “Local perforator flaps in oncoplastic breast reconstruction – an early Australian experience.”
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg 2014; 84(suppl 1): 11.
  70. “Sentinel lymph node biopsy should not be performed for screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ undergoing breast conserving surgery.”
    Vaska A, Kollias J, Taylor C.
    Aust NZ Surg 2014; 84(suppl 1): 17.
  71. “Factors predictive of immediate breast reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer in Australia Circa 1998-2010.”
    Kollias J, Roder D, Zorbas H, Walters D, Campbell I, Taylor C.
    Aust NZ Surg May 2014 – Vol 84 (suppl 1): 8.
  72. “Factors predictive of treatment by Australian surgeons of invasive female breast carcinoma by mastectomy rather than breast conserving surgery.”
    Pyke C, Kollias J, Roder D, Zorbas H, Taylor C. Walters D.
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2014 – Vol 84 (suppl 1): 8.
  73. Predicted risk of malignancy in thyroid nodules: 5 year experience in Adelaide.
    Lambert V, George C, Whitfield R, Bochner M, Kollias J, Malycha P.
    Aust NZ Surg May 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 42.
  74. Local Perforator Flaps in Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction.
    Kollias J.
    Aust NZ Surg May 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 5.
  75. The relevance of axillary ultrasound for the pre-operative staging of the clinically node negative axilla in patients undergoing breast conserving surgery – implications according to ACOSOG Z-0011 based management.
    Preda, T, Fawcett A, George C, Kollias J, Gill PG, Bochner B.
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 11.
  76. “Breast cancer characteristics and survival differences between Maori, Pacific and other New Zealand women from the BreastSurgANZ Quality Audit.”
    Campbell IC, Scott N, Seneviratne S, Kollias J, Walters D, Taylor C, Roder D.  
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2015 – Vol 85 (suppl 1): 72.
  77. “Safety and efficacy of anterior intercostal artery perforator flaps in oncoplastic breast reconstruction.”
    Kollias J and Kollias V.
    ANZ J. Surg. 2016; 86 (Suppl 1); 13).
  78. “Safety and efficacy of thoraco-dorsal artery perforator flaps in oncoplastic breast reconstruction.”
    Kollias J and Kollias V.
    ANZ J. Surg. 2017; 87 (Suppl 1); 13).
  79. Using Personify Care to reduce risk, save time & improve care with mobile technology.
    Kollias J and Saman K.
    Aust NZ SurgMay 2017 – Vol 87 (suppl 1): 7-8).
  80. “Evaluation of high risk screening outcomes and breast cancer survival in patients with a BRCA mutation.”
    Emily Humphries, Melissa Bochner, James Kollias, Janne Bingham, Robert Whitfield And Ben Finlay.
    ANZ J. Surg. 2019; 89 (S1); 13)
  81. “Long-term outcomes of autologous and implant- based breast reconstruction performed by oncoplastic breast surgeons: an Adelaide experience.”
    Ben Finlay, Zackariah Clement, James Kollias, Janne Bingham, Robert Whitfield And Melissa Bochner.
    ANZ J. Surg. 2019; 89 (S1); 13)
  82. “The safety and efficacy of immediate autologous breast reconstruction after mastectomy in patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer.”
    Zackariah Clement, Donna Egbeare, James Kollias, Grantley Gill, Robert Whitfield, Janne Bingham And Melissa Bochner.
    ANZ J. Surg. 2019; 89 (S1); 15)
  83. “Development of a consensus set of clinical quality indicators for the early management of thyroid cancer: a modified-Delphi approach.”
    Liane Ioannou, Jonathan Dr Cino Bendinelli, David Walters, Jenny Gough, Dean Lisewski, Win Meyer-Rochow, Julie Miller, Duncan Topliss, Bill Fleming, Stephen Farrell, Andrew Kiu, James Kollias, Mark Sywak, Ahmad Aniss, Linda Fenton, Danielle Ghusn, Simon Harper, Aleksandra Popadich, Kate Stringer And David Watters
    ANZ J. Surg. 2019; 89 (S1), 55.
    Thyroid. Conference: 88th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association. United States. 28 (Supplement 1) (pp A82), 2018. Date of Publication: October 2018.